Mac/Linux Installer Coming for JS++ 0.5

The next version of JS++ will feature the ‘class’ keyword and is expected for Q1 2017.

In addition, Mac and Linux users will benefit from a JS++ installer:

The installer is completely optional. However, it will be useful if you don’t want to manually install JS++ and various editor plugins. We auto-detect which editors are installed on your system, and, if a plugin is available, we will attempt to install it for you.

JS++ for Mac OS X Updated to Latest Version

During our Christmas release, we had to release one version down ( for Mac OS X. I’m happy to announce that – now that our staff are back from their breaks – JS++ for Mac OS X has been updated to the latest version and is in sync with JS++ for Windows and Linux.

Please note that, as of for Mac OS X, JS++ defaults to the 32-bit binary. The 64-bit binary is available as jspp-x64.

You can download JS++ for Mac OS X from our homepage.