Improving Windows Integration

We are working to improve Windows integration for JS++.

The first piece of good news is, beginning from the next release of JS++ (v.0.4.2), a system restart will no longer be necessary to complete the installation of JS++.

Secondly, to improve usability, we are adding context menu support for compiling *.jspp and *.jpp files:

JS++ Windows Context Menu

All of this will become available on the next release (v.0.4.2), which we are estimating to be around late September/early October.

Embed JS++ Code and Snippets into Web Pages

You can now embed JS++ code and snippets into your web pages. We have support for the JavaScript Syntax Highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev and CodeMirror.

The JavaScript SyntaxHighlighter project by Alex Gorbatchev has been around for a while and is used by Apache, Mozilla, Yahoo, WordPress, among others. It’s actually used right here on this website for highlighting JS++ code.


The CodeMirror plugin can be used for embedding JS++ code and snippets on your website. However, CodeMirror is also the text editor plugin for popular editors too. Projects like Adobe Brackets use CodeMirror as its underlying text editor. Thus, the JS++ CodeMirror plugin can be used for creating your own text editor or IDE that supports JS++ in addition to embedding snippets on your web pages.

Download these free extras from our GitHub.

JS++ Plugin for Geany

Geany integration is now available for JS++. The Geany plugin will be released with the next version of JS++, but you can download from GitHub now.

JS++ Plugin for Geany Editor

The plugin for Geany is somewhat limited. At Onux, we want to provide maximum editor and IDE integration for JS++. Geany markets itself as a “lightweight IDE” rather than just a text editor. To this end, we wanted to provide symbol navigation, a custom lexer, etc. However, in order for us to provide these features in Geany, we would have to build and distribute our own Geany. This was not ideal, and we unfortunately had to compromise.

We had to settle for the C lexer and deal with its limits for JS++; otherwise, we would have to modify Scintilla (the underlying text editor for Geany), write a custom lexer, and re-build Geany.

Nevertheless, in Geany, you currently get syntax highlighting and compiler integration. If we can provide deeper integration without compromising convenience, we absolutely will.

Kate and KWrite Integration for JS++

We just gave you GNOME integration for Linux yesterday via gedit. Today, we’re giving you KDE integration via Kate and KWrite.

Kate Text Editor

The Kate and KWrite plugins will be included in the next release of JS++, but you can download the plugin today from GitHub.

Once installed, the plugin will be valid for both Kate and KWrite. The plugin provides syntax highlighting, code folding, TODO comments, and documentation comment support for Kate and KWrite.

The plugin is theme-independent. Thus, some keywords are simply bolded rather than being colored with a specific style. If your font does not support bolding, it may appear much of the syntax is not being highlighted. For example, Kate and KWrite on Kubuntu will use the “Oxygen Mono” font as the default font for most themes. “Oxygen Mono” does not support bolded text and switching the font to “Ubuntu Mono” will fix this problem.

gedit Integration

We now have gedit integration for JS++. The gedit plugin provides full syntax highlighting support, including support for highlighting invalid keywords. The JS++ plugin for gedit is more accurate than the default JavaScript plugin that ships with gedit for highlighting JavaScript (especially for regular expression syntax highlighting).


The feature for highlighting invalid keywords is useful if you come from a background like Java and expect the exact same syntax and aren’t quite aware of the subtle differences. For instance, class inheritance in JS++ uses a syntax similar to C++ and C#:

class Foo : Bar {}

If you accidentally use extends, you’ll be notified immediately:

gedit error

The gedit plugin will be distributed with the next version of JS++. If you want to download the gedit plugin early, you can download it from GitHub.

JS++ for GitHub Atom Editor

JS++ is now available for GitHub’s Atom text and code editor. Atom integration will be packaged into the next release of JS++; however, if you wish to download immediately, please download the code from the GitHub repository.

GitHub Atom

Installation is a simple 3-step process:

1. Navigate to the Atom packages directory.

On Windows:

On Mac/Linux:

2. Copy the “language-js-plus-plus” folder into the Atom packages folder.
3. Restart Atom. Done!

As usual, we remain committed to maximum integration across IDEs and editors, and we’ve repeatedly proven our ability to execute in this respect.

JS++ UltraEdit Integration

JS++ is now fully supported in UltraEdit. The UltraEdit wordfile can be downloaded from GitHub.

Syntax highlighting, code folding, and more are supported in UltraEdit. The UltraEdit wordfile will be distributed with the next release of JS++. At Onux, we are fully committed to maximum editor & IDE integration. Within the span of two weeks, we integrated JS++ into three of the most popular editors: Sublime Text, Notepad++, and vim. We now have support for UltraEdit and there is still more to come!

UltraEdit 1
UltraEdit 2

Sublime Text Integration for JS++

Sublime Text now fully supports JS++. Editor integration is provided and tested for both Sublime Text 2 and 3. JS++ support for Sublime Text extends to the whole nine yards: syntax highlighting, code folding, build system integration with error locations and navigation, symbol navigation, documentation generator support, and more.

Sublime Text Build System

As with all the previous editor integrations, the JS++ Sublime Text integration will be distributed with the next version of JS++. We want to re-state Onux’s full commitment to providing maximum editor and IDE integration. In the past two weeks alone, we have provided full editor integrations for three of the most popular code editors.

You can download the Sublime Text plugin from GitHub.

vim Syntax Highlighting for JS++

The popular vim text editor for *nix systems now supports JS++ syntax highlighting. You can download the code from GitHub.


Just like the Notepad++ plugin, the vim plugin supports extra goodies like TODO comment highlighting and documentation generator comments. The vim plugin will also be included into the next release of JS++. At Onux, we remain committed to maximum editor & IDE integration for JS++.

Visit the GitHub repository to download the free vim plugin.

Announcing Notepad++ Support for JS++

Notepad++ now fully supports the JS++ programming language with syntax highlighting, code folding, etc. The free plugin, available on GitHub, also provides a few extra goodies like recognizing TODO comments and documentation generator comments.


The Notepad++ plugin will be packaged into the next release of JS++, and we are working to deliver maximum tooling for JS++ – beginning with editor & IDE support.

Visit the GitHub repository to download the JS++ Notepad++ plugin.