JS++ 0.5.1: ‘foreach’

We just released JS++ 0.5.1, which features the foreach keyword.

Basic usage is as follows:

external console;

int[] arr = [ 50, 40, 30 ];

foreach (int value in arr) {

// Output:
// 50
// 40
// 30

More complex usage, such as arrays of objects, are also possible:

external console;

class Foo
	string bar() {
		return "bar";

Foo[] foo = [ new Foo(), new Foo(), new Foo() ];

foreach (Foo value in foo) {

// Output:
// "bar"
// "bar"
// "bar"

Additionally, the for-in keyword has been implemented. It is a counterpart to the foreach keyword in the sense that it enumerates keys rather than values.

Roger PoonRoger Poon
JS++ Designer and Project Lead. Follow me on Twitter or GitHub.