JS++ 0.8.1: auto, catch-all, and Time

JS++ 0.8.1 fixes two major bug fixes that appeared when we introduced generics (0.8.0) and introduces some very useful new features. If you come from a C++ background, you might appreciate some of the new syntax :-).

‘auto’ Keyword

With the introduction of generic programming in 0.8.0, we need a more concise syntax to instantiate generic classes. The auto keyword solves this problem.

Now, instead of the following:

VeryLongClassName<string> foo = new VeryLongClassName<string>();

You can instead instantiate classes using auto:

auto foo = new VeryLongClassName<string>();

auto can be used for more than just generic classes though:

class Foo {}

auto foo = new Foo();

The auto keyword can only be used for variable declarations, and it reduces the redundancy of having to specify the type on the left-hand side only to repeat yourself on the right-hand side. This is known as local-variable type inference (to use the Java 10 terminology). For fans of C++, you may recognize this syntax.

Catch-all Clauses

This is another syntax that comes from C++.

Sometimes, you’ll want to catch an exception, but you don’t care to do anything with the exception object. In other cases, you may want to catch a specific type of exception but ignore all other exceptions. The “catch-all” clause can help you:

import System;

try {
    throw new System.Exception();
catch(System.Exception e) {
catch(...) {
    Console.log("The catch-all clause provides no exception object but will catch all exceptions - whether the type of the exception is internal or external.");
import Externals.JS;

try {
    throw new ReferenceError();
catch(...) {
    Console.log("Do nothing");


JS++ has an emphasis on readability. Have you ever seen code that looks like this?

setInterval(function() { /* ... */ }, 3600000);

The System.Time module has been introduced for dealing with time. Specifically, we’ve introduced a TimeUnits module to directly deal with the above case:

import System.Time;
external setInterval;

setInterval(void() { /* ... */ }, TimeUnits.hours(1));

Or, more succinctly:

import System.Time.TimeUnits;
external setInterval;

setInterval(void() { /* ... */ }, hours(1));

As always, we’ve had a focus on readable code. Here’s a preview of how well this composes:

import System;
import System.Time.TimeUnits;

Console.log(hours(1) + minutes(5));


In JavaScript, functions such as setTimeout and setInterval are not part of the ECMAScript standard; they are provided by the host environment. Web browsers and Node.js ship with these functions, but it would not have been correct to add this to the Externals.JS module. Therefore, we’ve introduced the Externals.Time external module so you can more clearly work with timers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed methods with variadic parameters passing by reference
  • Fixed implementing of generic interfaces from generic classes
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Fixed double calls being generated for getters
  • MAJOR BUG FIX: Fix this binding in code generation
Roger PoonRoger Poon
JS++ Designer and Project Lead. Follow me on Twitter or GitHub.